Package-level declarations


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Enum mapping billing feature types. Currently only used to check for feature availability in Android's, Play store.

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Specifies behavior for a caching API.

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class CustomerInfo(val activeSubscriptions: Set<String>, val allExpirationDateMillis: Map<String, Long?>, val allPurchaseDateMillis: Map<String, Long?>, val allPurchasedProductIdentifiers: Set<String>, val entitlements: EntitlementInfos, val firstSeenMillis: Long, val latestExpirationDateMillis: Long?, val managementUrlString: String?, val nonSubscriptionTransactions: List<Transaction>, val originalAppUserId: String, val originalApplicationVersion: String?, val originalPurchaseDateMillis: Long?, val requestDateMillis: Long)

Class containing all information regarding the customer.

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class DangerousSettings(val autoSyncPurchases: Boolean = true)

Only use a Dangerous Setting if suggested by RevenueCat support team.

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App Store only. The payment mode for a StoreProductDiscount indicates how the product discount price is charged.

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App Store only. Denotes the type of a StoreProductDiscount.

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class EntitlementInfo(val identifier: String, val isActive: Boolean, val willRenew: Boolean, val periodType: PeriodType, val latestPurchaseDateMillis: Long?, val originalPurchaseDateMillis: Long?, val expirationDateMillis: Long?, val store: Store, val productIdentifier: String, val productPlanIdentifier: String?, val isSandbox: Boolean, val unsubscribeDetectedAtMillis: Long?, val billingIssueDetectedAtMillis: Long?, val ownershipType: OwnershipType, val verification: VerificationResult)

This object gives you access to all of the information about the status of a user's entitlements.

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class EntitlementInfos(val all: Map<String, EntitlementInfo>, val verification: VerificationResult)

This class contains all the entitlements associated to the user.

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Enum of possible replacement modes to be passed to a Play Store purchase. Ignored for Amazon and App Store purchases.

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class InstallmentsInfo(val commitmentPaymentsCount: Int, val renewalCommitmentPaymentsCount: Int)

Type containing information of installment subscriptions. Currently only supported in Google Play.

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interface Offering

An offering is a collection of Packages available for the user to purchase. For more info see

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class Offerings(val all: Map<String, Offering>, val current: Offering?)

This class contains all the offerings configured in RevenueCat dashboard. For more info see

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Play Store only. Payment mode for offer pricing phases

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Enum of supported ownership types for an entitlement.

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interface Package

Contains information about the product available for the user to purchase. For more info see /docs/entitlements.

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Enumeration of all possible Package types.

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class Period(val value: Int, val unit: PeriodUnit)

Represents subscription or PricingPhase billing period.

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Enum of supported period types for an entitlement.

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The unit of time a Period is denoted in.

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class PresentedOfferingContext(val offeringIdentifier: String, val placementIdentifier: String?, val targetingContext: PresentedOfferingTargetingContext?)

Contains data about the context in which an offering was presented.

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class PresentedOfferingTargetingContext(val revision: Int, val ruleId: String)

The targeting context used to obtain a PresentedOfferingContext.

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class Price(val formatted: String, val amountMicros: Long, val currencyCode: String)

Represents a monetary price.

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class PricingPhase(val billingPeriod: Period, val recurrenceMode: RecurrenceMode, val billingCycleCount: Int?, val price: Price, val offerPaymentMode: OfferPaymentMode?)

Play Store only. Encapsulates how a user pays for a subscription at a given point in time.

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The category of a product, whether a subscription or a one-time purchase.

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Possible product types.

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App Store only. Represents a StoreProductDiscount that has been validated and is ready to be used for a purchase.

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sealed interface PurchasesAreCompletedBy

Modes for completing the purchase process.

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class PurchasesError(val code: PurchasesErrorCode, val underlyingErrorMessage: String? = null)

This class represents an error

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A predefined error type.

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An exception wrapping a PurchasesError.

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class PurchasesTransactionException(purchasesError: PurchasesError, val userCancelled: Boolean) : PurchasesException

An exception indicating an error occurred during a transaction. Extends PurchasesException by adding a userCancelled property.

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interface PurchasingData

Data connected to a purchase.

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Recurrence mode for a pricing phase. Google Play Store only.

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interface ReplacementMode

Contains information about the replacement mode to use in case of a product upgrade. Use the platform specific subclasses in each implementation. Currently only used for Play store upgrades/downgrades

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enum Store : Enum<Store>

Enum of supported stores

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Defines which version of StoreKit may be used.

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Enum mapping in-app message types.

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interface StoreProduct

Represents an in-app product's or subscription's listing details.

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App Store only. Information about a subscription offer that you configured in App Store Connect.

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class StoreTransaction(val transactionId: String?, val productIds: List<String>, val purchaseTime: Long)

Represents an in-app billing purchase.

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Play Store only. A purchase-able entity for a subscription product.

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A collection of SubscriptionOptions.

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class Transaction(val transactionIdentifier: String, val productIdentifier: String, val purchaseDateMillis: Long)

Representation of a transaction.

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The result of the verification process.


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The subscription period of fullPricePhase (after free and intro trials).

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The free trial PricingPhase of the subscription. Looks for the first pricing phase of the SubscriptionOption where amountMicros is 0. There can be a freeTrialPhase and an introductoryPhase in the same SubscriptionOption.

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The full price PricingPhase of the subscription. Looks for the last price phase of the SubscriptionOption.

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The intro trial PricingPhase of the subscription. Looks for the first pricing phase of the SubscriptionOption where amountMicros is greater than 0. There can be a freeTrialPhase and an introductoryPhase in the same SubscriptionOption.

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True if this SubscriptionOption represents a Google subscription base plan (rather than an offer). Not applicable for Amazon subscriptions.

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True if the subscription is pre-paid. Not applicable for Amazon subscriptions.