Package-level declarations
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Fetches the win-back offers that a subscriber is eligible for on a given package.
Fetches the win-back offers that a subscriber is eligible for on a given product.
Gets the StoreProducts for the given list of product ids for all product types.
This function will change the current Purchases.appUserID. Typically this would be used after a log out to identify a new user without calling Purchases.configure.
Resets the Purchases client clearing the save Purchases.appUserID. This will generate a random user id and save it in the cache.
Fetch the configured offerings for this users. Offerings allows you to configure your in-app products vis RevenueCat and greatly simplifies management. See the guide for more info.
App Store only. Use this method to fetch a PromotionalOffer to use with awaitPurchase.
App Store only. Purchases packageToPurchase. Call this method when a user has decided to purchase a product with an applied discount. Only call this in direct response to user input. From here Purchases will handle the purchase with StoreKit.
Purchases a package with a given win-back offer.
App Store only. Use this function if you are not using the Offerings system to purchase a StoreProduct with an applied PromotionalOffer. If you are using the Offerings system, use the overload with a Package parameter instead.
Purchases a product with a given win-back offer. If you are using the Offerings system, use the overload with a Package parameter instead.
Purchases packageToPurchase. On the Play Store, if packageToPurchase represents a subscription, upgrades from the subscription specified by oldProductId and chooses the default SubscriptionOption from packageToPurchase.
Purchases storeProduct. On the Play Store, if storeProduct represents a subscription, upgrades from the subscription specified by oldProductId and chooses storeProduct's default SubscriptionOption.
Play Store only. Purchases subscriptionOption.
Restores purchases made with the current Store account for the current user. This method will post all purchases associated with the current Store account to RevenueCat and become associated with the current Purchases.appUserID. If the receipt token is being used by an existing user, the current Purchases.appUserID will be aliased together with the Purchases.appUserID of the existing user. Going forward, either Purchases.appUserID will be able to reference the same user.
Syncs subscriber attributes and then fetches the configured offerings for this user. This method is intended to be called when using Targeting Rules with Custom Attributes. Any subscriber attributes should be set before calling this method to ensure the returned offerings are applied with the latest subscriber attributes.
This method will send all the purchases to the RevenueCat backend. Call this when using your own implementation for subscriptions anytime a sync is needed, such as when migrating existing users to RevenueCat.