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  • CustomerInfo



Readonly activeSubscriptions

activeSubscriptions: [string]

Set of active subscription skus

Readonly allExpirationDates

allExpirationDates: {}

Map of skus to expiration dates

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string | null

Readonly allPurchaseDates

allPurchaseDates: {}

Map of skus to purchase dates

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string | null

Readonly allPurchasedProductIdentifiers

allPurchasedProductIdentifiers: [string]

Set of purchased skus, active and inactive

Readonly entitlements

Entitlements attached to this customer info

Readonly firstSeen

firstSeen: string

The date this user was first seen in RevenueCat.

Readonly latestExpirationDate

latestExpirationDate: null | string

The latest expiration date of all purchased skus

Readonly managementURL

managementURL: null | string

URL to manage the active subscription of the user. If this user has an active iOS subscription, this will point to the App Store, if the user has an active Play Store subscription it will point there. If there are no active subscriptions it will be null. If there are multiple for different platforms, it will point to the device store.

Readonly nonSubscriptionTransactions

nonSubscriptionTransactions: PurchasesStoreTransaction[]

Returns all the non-subscription purchases a user has made. The purchases are ordered by purchase date in ascending order.

Readonly originalAppUserId

originalAppUserId: string

The original App User Id recorded for this user.

Readonly originalApplicationVersion

originalApplicationVersion: null | string

Returns the version number for the version of the application when the user bought the app. Use this for grandfathering users when migrating to subscriptions.

This corresponds to the value of CFBundleVersion (in iOS) in the Info.plist file when the purchase was originally made. This is always null in Android

Readonly originalPurchaseDate

originalPurchaseDate: null | string

Returns the purchase date for the version of the application when the user bought the app. Use this for grandfathering users when migrating to subscriptions.

Readonly requestDate

requestDate: string

Date when this info was requested

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