Error class for Purchases SDK. You should handle these errors and react accordingly in your app.


  • Error
    • PurchasesError


  • Parameters

    • errorCode: ErrorCode

      Error code for the error. This is useful to appropriately react to different error situations.

    • Optional message: string

      Message for the error. This is useful for debugging and logging.

    • Optional underlyingErrorMessage: null | string

      Underlying error message. This provides more details on the error and can be useful for debugging and logging.

    • Optional extra: PurchasesErrorExtra

      Contains extra information that is available in certain types of errors.

    Returns PurchasesError


errorCode: ErrorCode

Error code for the error. This is useful to appropriately react to different error situations.

Contains extra information that is available in certain types of errors.

message: string
name: string
stack?: string
underlyingErrorMessage?: null | string

Underlying error message. This provides more details on the error and can be useful for debugging and logging.
