An offering is a collection of Package available for the user to purchase. For more info see

interface Offering {
    annual: null | Package;
    availablePackages: Package[];
    identifier: string;
    lifetime: null | Package;
    metadata: null | {
        [key: string]: unknown;
    monthly: null | Package;
    packagesById: {
        [key: string]: Package;
    paywall_components: null | PaywallData;
    serverDescription: string;
    sixMonth: null | Package;
    threeMonth: null | Package;
    twoMonth: null | Package;
    weekly: null | Package;


annual: null | Package

Annual package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

availablePackages: Package[]

A list of all the packages available for purchase.

identifier: string

Unique identifier defined in RevenueCat dashboard.

lifetime: null | Package

Lifetime package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

metadata: null | {
    [key: string]: unknown;

Offering metadata defined in RevenueCat dashboard.

monthly: null | Package

Monthly package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

packagesById: {
    [key: string]: Package;

A map of all the packages available for purchase keyed by package ID.

paywall_components: null | PaywallData
serverDescription: string

Offering description defined in RevenueCat dashboard.

sixMonth: null | Package

Six month package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

threeMonth: null | Package

Three month package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

twoMonth: null | Package

Two month package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

weekly: null | Package

Weekly package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.