ENTITLEMENT_Enum of entitlement verification modes.
INTRO_Enum of different possible states for intro price eligibility status.
IN_List of valid in app message types.
LOG_List of valid log levels.
PACKAGE_Enumeration of all possible Package types.
PRODUCT_Supported product categories.
PRORATION_Replace SKU's ProrationMode.
PURCHASES_Enum of PurchasesAreCompletedByType.
PURCHASES_Enum of all error codes the SDK produces.
PURCHASE_Supported SKU types.
@deprecated, use PRODUCT_CATEGORY
REFUND_Enum with possible return states for beginning refund request.
STOREKIT_Enum of StoreKit version.
VERIFICATION_The result of the verification process.
addSets a function to be called on updated customer info
CustomerInfo update listener
addSets a function to be called on purchases initiated on the Apple App Store. This is only used in iOS.
Called when a user initiates a promotional in-app purchase from the App Store. If your app is able to handle a purchase at the current time, run the deferredPurchase function. If the app is not in a state to make a purchase: cache the deferredPurchase, then call the deferredPurchase when the app is ready to make the promotional purchase. If the purchase should never be made, you don't need to ever call the deferredPurchase and the app will not proceed with promotional purchases.
beginiOS 15+ only. Presents a refund request sheet in the current window scene for the latest transaction associated with the active entitlement.
If the request was unsuccessful, no active entitlements could be found for
the user, or multiple active entitlements were found for the user,
the promise will return an error.
If called in an unsupported platform (Android or iOS < 15), an UnsupportedPlatformException
will be thrown.
Important: This method should only be used if your user can only have a single active entitlement at a given time.
If a user could have more than one entitlement at a time, use beginRefundRequestForEntitlement
Returns REFUND_REQUEST_STATUS: The status of the refund request. Keep in mind the status could be REFUND_REQUEST_STATUS.USER_CANCELLED
beginiOS 15+ only. Presents a refund request sheet in the current window scene for
the latest transaction associated with the entitlement
If the request was unsuccessful, the promise will return an error.
If called in an unsupported platform (Android or iOS < 15), an UnsupportedPlatformException
will be thrown.
The entitlement to begin a refund request for.
Returns REFUND_REQUEST_STATUS: The status of the refund request. Keep in mind the status could be REFUND_REQUEST_STATUS.USER_CANCELLED
beginiOS 15+ only. Presents a refund request sheet in the current window scene for
the latest transaction associated with the product
If the request was unsuccessful, the promise will return an error.
If called in an unsupported platform (Android or iOS < 15), an UnsupportedPlatformException
will be thrown.
The StoreProduct to begin a refund request for.
Returns a REFUND_REQUEST_STATUS: The status of the refund request. Keep in mind the status could be REFUND_REQUEST_STATUS.USER_CANCELLED
canCheck if billing is supported for the current user (meaning IN-APP purchases are supported) and optionally, whether a list of specified feature types are supported.
Note: Billing features are only relevant to Google Play Android users. For other stores and platforms, billing features won't be checked.
An array of feature types to check for support. Feature types must be one of [BILLING_FEATURE]. By default, is an empty list and no specific feature support will be checked.
promise with boolean response. True if billing is supported, false otherwise.
checkiOS only. Computes whether or not a user is eligible for the introductory pricing period of a given product. You should use this method to determine whether or not you show the user the normal product price or the introductory price. This also applies to trials (trials are considered a type of introductory pricing).
Array of product identifiers for which you want to compute eligibility
A map of IntroEligility per productId. The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's in an error checking eligibility.
Subscription groups are automatically collected for determining eligibility. If RevenueCat can't
definitively compute the eligibility, most likely because of missing group information, it will return
. The best course of action on unknown status is to display the non-intro
pricing, to not create a misleading situation. To avoid this, make sure you are testing with the latest version of
iOS so that the subscription group can be collected by the SDK. Android always returns INTRO_ELIGIBILITY_STATUS_UNKNOWN.
collectAutomatically collect subscriber attributes associated with the device identifiers. $idfa, $idfv, $ip on iOS $gpsAdId, $androidId, $ip on Android
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting collecting the device identifiers.
configureSets up Purchases with your API key and an app user id.
If you use purchasesAreCompletedBy=PurchasesAreCompletedByMyApp, you must also provide a value for storeKitVersion.
getRetrieves a current offering for a placement identifier, use this to access offerings defined by targeting placements configured in the RevenueCat dashboard.
The placement identifier to fetch a current offeringn for
Promise of an optional offering. The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
getGets current customer info
A promise of a customer info object. Rejections return an error code, and an userInfo object with more information. The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an issue getting the customer information.
getGets the map of entitlements -> offerings -> products
Promise of entitlements structure. The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
getFetch the product info
Array of product identifiers
Optional type of products to fetch, can be SUBSCRIPTION or NON_SUBSCRIPTION. SUBSCRIPTION by default
A promise containing an array of products. The promise will be rejected if the products are not properly configured in RevenueCat or if there is another error retrieving them. Rejections return an error code, and a userInfo object with more information. The promise will also be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
getiOS only. Use this function to retrieve the PurchasesPromotionalOffer
for a given PurchasesPackage
The PurchasesStoreProduct
the user intends to purchase.
The PurchasesStoreProductDiscount
to apply to the product.
Returns when the PurchasesPaymentDiscount
is returned.
Null is returned for Android and incompatible iOS versions. The promise will be rejected if configure has not been
called yet or if there's an error getting the payment discount.
invalidateInvalidates the cache for customer information.
Most apps will not need to use this method; invalidating the cache can leave your app in an invalid state. Refer to for more information on using the cache properly.
This is useful for cases where customer information might have been updated outside of the app, like if a promotional subscription is granted through the RevenueCat dashboard.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or there's an error invalidating the customer info cache.
logThis function will logIn the current user with an appUserID. Typically this would be used after a log in to identify a user without calling configure.
The appUserID that should be linked to the currently user
A promise of an object that contains the customerInfo after logging in, as well as a boolean indicating whether the user has just been created for the first time in the RevenueCat backend. The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an issue logging in.
logLogs out the Purchases client clearing the saved appUserID. This will generate a random user id and save it in the cache.
A promise of a customer info object. Rejections return an error code, and a userInfo object with more information. The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an issue logging out.
presentiOS only. Presents a code redemption sheet, useful for redeeming offer codes Refer to for more information on how to configure and use offer codes
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or there's an error presenting the code redemption sheet.
purchaseiOS only. Purchase a package applying a given discount.
The Package you wish to purchase. You can get the Packages by calling getOfferings
Discount to apply to this package. Retrieve this discount using getPromotionalOffer.
A promise of an object containing a customer info object and a product identifier. Rejections return an error code, a boolean indicating if the user cancelled the purchase, and an object with more information. The promise will be also be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
purchaseiOS only. Purchase a product applying a given discount.
The product you want to purchase
Discount to apply to this package. Retrieve this discount using getPromotionalOffer.
A promise of an object containing a customer info object and a product identifier. Rejections return an error code, a boolean indicating if the user cancelled the purchase, and an object with more information. The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
purchaseMake a purchase
The Package you wish to purchase. You can get the Packages by calling getOfferings
upgradeInfo: null | UpgradeInfoDEPRECATED. Use googleProductChangeInfo.
googleProductChangeInfo: null | GoogleProductChangeInfoAndroid only. Optional GoogleProductChangeInfo you wish to upgrade from containing the oldProductIdentifier and the optional prorationMode.
googleIsPersonalizedPrice: null | booleanAndroid and Google only. Optional boolean indicates personalized pricing on products available for purchase in the EU. For compliance with EU regulations. User will see "This price has been customize for you" in the purchase dialog when true. See for more info.
A promise of an object containing a customer info object and a product identifier. Rejections return an error code, a boolean indicating if the user cancelled the purchase, and an object with more information. The promise will be also be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
purchaseMake a purchase
The product identifier of the product you want to purchase
upgradeInfo: null | UpgradeInfoAndroid only. Optional UpgradeInfo you wish to upgrade from containing the oldSKU and the optional prorationMode.
Optional type of product, can be inapp or subs. Subs by default @deprecated, use purchaseStoreProduct instead
purchaseMake a purchase
The product you want to purchase
googleProductChangeInfo: null | GoogleProductChangeInfoAndroid only. Optional GoogleProductChangeInfo you wish to upgrade from containing the oldProductIdentifier and the optional prorationMode.
googleIsPersonalizedPrice: null | booleanAndroid and Google only. Optional boolean indicates personalized pricing on products available for purchase in the EU. For compliance with EU regulations. User will see "This price has been customize for you" in the purchase dialog when true. See for more info.
A promise of an object containing a customer info object and a product identifier. Rejections return an error code, a boolean indicating if the user cancelled the purchase, and an object with more information. The promise will also be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
purchaseGoogle only. Make a purchase of a subscriptionOption
The SubscriptionOption you wish to purchase. You can get the SubscriptionOption from StoreProducts by calling getOfferings
googleProductChangeInfo: GoogleProductChangeInfoAndroid only. Optional GoogleProductChangeInfo you wish to upgrade from containing the oldProductIdentifier and the optional prorationMode.
googleIsPersonalizedPrice: booleanAndroid and Google only. Optional boolean indicates personalized pricing on products available for purchase in the EU. For compliance with EU regulations. User will see "This price has been customize for you" in the purchase dialog when true. See for more info.
A promise of an object containing a customer info object and a product identifier. Rejections return an error code, a boolean indicating if the user cancelled the purchase, and an object with more information. The promise will be also be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
recordiOS only. Always returns an error on iOS < 15.
Use this method only if you already have your own IAP implementation using StoreKit 2 and want to use RevenueCat's backend. If you are using StoreKit 1 for your implementation, you do not need this method.
You only need to use this method with new purchases. Subscription updates are observed automatically.
Important: This should only be used if you have set PurchasesAreCompletedBy to MY_APP during SDK configuration.
Product ID that was just purchased
If there was a transacton found and handled for the provided product ID.
You need to finish the transaction yourself after calling this method.
removeRemoves a given CustomerInfoUpdateListener
CustomerInfoUpdateListener reference of the listener to remove
True if listener was removed, false otherwise
removeRemoves a given ShouldPurchasePromoProductListener
ShouldPurchasePromoProductListener reference of the listener to remove
True if listener was removed, false otherwise
restoreRestores a user's previous purchases and links their appUserIDs to any user's also using those purchases.
A promise of a customer info object. Rejections return an error code, and an userInfo object with more information. The promise will be also be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the install ad for the user
Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the ad subscriber attribute.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the install ad group for the user
Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting ad group.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the Adjust Id for the user Required for the RevenueCat Adjust integration
Adjust ID to use in Adjust integration. Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting Adjust ID.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the Airship Channel Id for the user Required for the RevenueCat Airship integration
Airship Channel ID to use in Airship integration. Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the Airship Channel ID.
set@deprecated, configure behavior through the RevenueCat dashboard instead. If an user tries to purchase a product that is active on the current app store account, we will treat it as a restore and alias the new ID with the previous id.
Set this to true if you are passing in an appUserID but it is anonymous, this is true by default if you didn't pass an appUserID
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the AppsFlyer Id for the user Required for the RevenueCat AppsFlyer integration
Appsflyer ID to use in Appsflyer integration. Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the Appsflyer ID.
setSubscriber attributes are useful for storing additional, structured information on a user. Since attributes are writable using a public key they should not be used for managing secure or sensitive information such as subscription status, coins, etc.
Key names starting with "$" are reserved names used by RevenueCat. For a full list of key restrictions refer to our guide:
Map of attributes by key. Set the value as an empty string to delete an attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or there's an error setting the subscriber attributes.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the install campaign for the user
Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the campaign.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the CleverTap Id for the user Required for the RevenueCat CleverTap integration
CleverTap user ID to use in CleverTap integration. Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the CleverTap ID.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the install ad creative for the user
Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the creative subscriber attribute.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the display name for the user
Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the display name.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the email address for the user
Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the email.
setFBAnonymousIDSubscriber attribute associated with the Facebook SDK Anonymous Id for the user Recommended for the RevenueCat Facebook integration
Facebook Anonymous ID to use in Mparticle integration. Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the Facebook Anonymous ID.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the Firebase App Instance ID for the user Required for the RevenueCat Firebase integration
Firebase App Instance ID to use in Firebase integration. Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the Firebase App Instance ID.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the install keyword for the user
Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the keyword.
setSet a custom log handler for redirecting logs to your own logging system. By default, this sends info, warning, and error messages. If you wish to receive Debug level messages, see [setLogLevel].
It will get called for each log event. Use this function to redirect the log to your own logging system
setUsed to set the log level. Useful for debugging issues with the lovely team @RevenueCat. The default is {LOG_LEVEL.INFO} in release builds and {LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG} in debug builds.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the install media source for the user
Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the media source.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the Mixpanel Distinct Id for the user Required for the RevenueCat Mixpanel integration
Mixpanel Distinct ID to use in Mixpanel integration. Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the Mixpanel Distinct ID.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the mParticle Id for the user Recommended for the RevenueCat mParticle integration
Mparticle ID to use in Mparticle integration. Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the Mparticle ID.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the OneSignal Player Id for the user Required for the RevenueCat OneSignal integration
OneSignal Player ID to use in OneSignal integration. Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the OneSignal ID.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the phone number for the user
Empty String or null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the phone number.
setSubscriber attribute associated with the push token for the user
null will delete the subscriber attribute.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error setting the push token.
setiOS only.
Set this property to true only when testing the ask-to-buy / SCA purchases flow. More information:
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
showShows in-app messages available from the App Store or Google Play. You need to disable messages from showing automatically using [PurchasesConfiguration.shouldShowInAppMessagesAutomatically].
Note: In iOS, this requires version 16+. In older versions the promise will be resolved successfully immediately.
messageTypes: IN_APP_MESSAGE_TYPE[]An array of message types that the stores can display inside your app. Must be one of [IN_APP_MESSAGE_TYPE]. By default, is undefined and all message types will be shown.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
syncThis method will send a purchase to the RevenueCat backend. This function should only be called if you are in Amazon observer mode or performing a client side migration of your current users to RevenueCat.
The receipt IDs are cached if successfully posted so they are not posted more than once.
Product ID associated to the purchase.
ReceiptId that represents the Amazon purchase.
Amazon's userID. This parameter will be ignored when syncing a Google purchase.
isoCurrencyCode: null | stringProduct's currency code in ISO 4217 format.
price: null | numberProduct's price.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error syncing purchases.
syncSyncs subscriber attributes and then fetches the configured offerings for this user. This method is intended to be called when using Targeting Rules with Custom Attributes. Any subscriber attributes should be set before calling this method to ensure the returned offerings are applied with the latest subscriber attributes.
Promise of entitlements structure. The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet.
sync@deprecated, use syncAmazonPurchase instead.
This method will send a purchase to the RevenueCat backend. This function should only be called if you are in Amazon observer mode or performing a client side migration of your current users to RevenueCat.
The receipt IDs are cached if successfully posted so they are not posted more than once.
Product ID associated to the purchase.
ReceiptId that represents the Amazon purchase.
Amazon's userID. This parameter will be ignored when syncing a Google purchase.
isoCurrencyCode: null | stringProduct's currency code in ISO 4217 format.
price: null | numberProduct's price.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error syncing purchases.
syncThis method will send all the purchases to the RevenueCat backend. Call this when using your own implementation for subscriptions anytime a sync is needed, like after a successful purchase.
The promise will be rejected if configure has not been called yet or if there's an error syncing purchases.
This function should only be called if you're not calling purchaseProduct/purchaseStoreProduct/purchasePackage/purchaseSubscriptionOption.
Enum for billing features. Currently, these are only relevant for Google Play Android users: